

A special thank you to Mateusz Doliński for his help in preparing the solution described on this page.

Running an instance of Jupyter Notebook on a compute node is possible using SSH port forwarding. Direct loginng in into each compute node is disabled (it should not be possible to circumvent the queue system), but the outgoing traffic is not restricted. Accessing a compute node is possible using interactive srun sessions.

Installing Jupyter software

Each user of the cluster can install Jupyter using Python’s virtualenv.

The full documentation on how to install Jupyter can be found here.

Local SSH setup

Accessing a JupyterLab session involves SSH port forwarding. In general, two tunnels have to be set up: from a user’s computer to the entropy, and from a compute node to the entropy (later, during an interactive srun session).


To avoid port conflicts each user should use the port number which is his ${UID} plus 10 000.

The most convenient way to setup the first tunnel (from a user’s machine to entropy) is to create ~/.ssh/config file and add an entry which specifies all required parameters. For example, to forward a local port 12222 (which is the port number for the user whose ${UID} is 2222) to the entropy server:

1Host entropy
2    HostName entropy.mimuw.edu.pl
3    User entropy_login
4    Preferredauthentications publickey
5    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/a_private_key
6    LocalForward 12222 localhost:12222

This configuration will forward the local 12222 port to the entropy server each time a user will use SSH to connect to the machine.

Cluster account setup

First, start by creating a passwordless SSH key pair on the entropy machine:

1ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_comment"

Then, add the public key from this pair to the authorized_keys file on the entropy machine.

1cat ~/.ssh/your_public_key.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Finally create the ~/.ssh/config file similar to the one previously created on your computer (using the key pair that has just been created):

1Host entropy
2    HostName entropy.mimuw.edu.pl
3    User entropy_login
4    Preferredauthentications publickey
5    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/a_private_key
6    IdentitiesOnly yes
7    RemoteForward 12222 localhost:12222
8    RequestTTY no

This configuration will forward the 12222 port from a compute node to the entropy server each time a user will start an SSH connection to the machine. This connection will not reserve a terminal and serves only the purpose of forwarding the specified port.

Finally, we can start a job and a jupyter notebook instance. First, start an interactive srun session (note the --pty option):

1srun --qos=student --partition=common --gres=gpu:1 --time=1-0 --pty /bin/bash -i

This will open an interactive session on a machine with the home directory available through the NFS protocol. Then, activate the previously created virtualenv and start Jupyter.

1source path/to/user/virtualenv
2jupyter-lab --no-browser --port="1${UID}" &
3ssh entropy

A jupyter-lab session should start; it should be possible to access the notebook’s URL in the user’s local browser.